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HUSTISFORD COMMUNITY LIBRARY BY-LAWS 11/14/2005, 05/10/2011, 6/5/2018 ARTICLE 1- NAME This organization shall be called the “Board of Trustees of the Hustisford Community Library”‘ existing by virtue of the provisions of Chapter 43 of the Laws of the State of Wisconsin, and exercising the powers and authority and assuming the responsibilities delegated to it under …

Community Room

Community Room Policy & Application All requests must fill out an application form. This form can be emailed to or brought to the library. All requests are tentative until confirmed by library staff. Please see the policy for rules and regulations. Last minute reservations are available if the room is open.   

Computer and Internet Policy

Computer and Internet Use Policy (Amended 2/10/2009), (02/11/2013) Due to the changing needs of the community, the Hustisford Community Library will offer access to the Internet and other electronic resources. The purpose of providing this service is the wealth of information that is now available in electronic format. This allows the library to vastly expand …

Concealed Carry

Concealed Carry Policy 10/11/2011 No person shall go armed with a concealed weapon at the Hustisford Community Library


FINANCIAL POLICY (Approved 11/12/13) I. Funding for the library will be from the Village and Township of Hustisford. II. An annual budget will be prepared by the director and submitted to the library Board for consideration and approval. Once the budget is approved by the library Board, it shall be submitted to the Village and …

Makerspace and 3D Printer

Hustisford Community Library Makerspace Program Policies and Procedures Approved 10/13/2015, approved 5/9/2017, approved 12/11/2018 Purpose As part of our general mission to provide the Hustisford community with opportunities for lifelong learning and exploration, we are now offering a Makerspace program.  Specifically, the Makerspace will fulfill the following purposes: To facilitate the exploration of new technology, …

Materials Challenge Policy

Materials Selection

1 HUSTISFORD COMMUNITY LIBRARY MATERIALS COLLECTION POLICY Adopted 1/10/2012 INTRODUCTION In any institution, it is imperative that the public be able to identify and comprehend the workings of the institution. Within that institution, it is also necessary that all individuals clearly understand the whys, hows and wherefores of its inner workings. For quality, cooperation and …


Hustisford Community Library Violence Policy The use of violence or the threat of violence in the Library is strictly prohibited. The possession or use of a weapon in the Library, except by authorized law enforcement personnel, is strictly prohibited. Any employee who violates this policy is subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal. Any person who …


Hustisford Community Library Wireless Internet Use Policy Adopted 5/20/2008 Free wireless Internet access is available at the Hustisford Community Library during library hours to anyone who has the necessary devices and software, via an open unsecured network. To use the service you may bring your charged wireless enabled laptop or handheld device to the library …