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Makerspace and 3D Printer

Hustisford Community Library Makerspace Program Policies and Procedures

Approved 10/13/2015, approved 5/9/2017, approved 12/11/2018


As part of our general mission to provide the Hustisford community with opportunities for lifelong learning and exploration, we are now offering a Makerspace program.  Specifically, the Makerspace will fulfill the following purposes:

  • To facilitate the exploration of new technology, which will help participants gain practical skills and experience with that technology.
  • To encourage participants to utilize their “creative” and “maker” skills as they create new things.
  • To encourage collaboration, the sharing of skills/knowledge, and social connections among participants.


  • The Hustisford Community Library Makerspace programs are available to library patrons (those holding a card from one of the libraries in the Monarch Library System) ages 13 and up. Users under age 13 may utilize the Makerspace as long as they are accompanied by a responsible parent or legal guardian.  The only exception to this rule would be a program specifically designed for children under 13 years of age, in which case it may be appropriate, at the library’s discretion, for such children to attend that program without their parents or legal guardians present.

Release Form

  • First time participants must sign this Policy stating that they will comply with program rules, be financially responsible should their actions cause damage to Makerspace equipment, and release the Library from liability. Program participants under the age of 18 must also have a parent or legal guardian sign this form.

General Conditions of Use

Participants may use Makerspace supplies and equipment in three ways:

  1. As part of a “family makerspace workshop”
    1. These workshops will involve all participants working on the same relatively simple projects, and projects will generally not require advance technological skills or potentially dangerous processes/materials. Therefore, these participants will not need to have a signed Policy on file.
  2. During an “open lab time”
    1. The Library will strive to hold open lab times every month, during which library staff will be available to assist users with the materials and equipment.
  3. On their own
    1. If a particular participant has a longer term project and/or the “open lab times” are not scheduled at a time conducive to his or her schedule, the Library will gladly work with him or her to arrange additional access to the Makerspace. However, he or she must realize that a library staff member will not be available to assist him or her. Therefore, this option is best for participants that are quite skilled in using the Makerspace equipment and supplies independently.  Also, this option is only available to participants ages 18 and older.

Users must realize that the Hustisford Community Library will NOT:

  • Accept responsibility for damage to a user’s hard drive, disk, computer, any other personal equipment, or any projects/objects a participant makes.
  • Accept responsibility for any loss of data or information that occurs during the use of the Makerspace
  • Save any projects on the Makerspace computers. Any projects on a makerspace computer hard drive will be automatically deleted after that user’s session has ended.  Users are strongly encouraged to save any projects on their own external hard drive.
  • Refund any monies paid out for consumable material, in the event that a project is not completed to the participant’s satisfaction

Also, users may not use the Makerspace equipment to create any object(s) that:

  • Is unlawful, threatening, abusive, obscene, or racially or ethnically objectionable
  • Is intended to physically harm or attempt to harm, an animal or person in any way
  • Infringes upon a patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party unless consent from the rights-owner has been obtained. The Copyright Law of the United States governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyright material.
  • Is an object or part of an object that is regulated or requires a license to use or carry (especially guns and gun parts)

Usage Subject to Refusal or Revocation

The Library Director or his or her designee may refuse a Makerspace participant’s request to use the Equipment at any time, if, in his or her judgement, the customer has not abided by this policy.  If the participant feels that this decision was made unfairly, he or she may appeal the decision to the Library Board.

Participant Responsibility in Case of Breakage

While the Library realizes that there will be “wear and tear” on the Makerspace equipment, and also that accidents do happen, the Library also needs to protect the equipment as much as possible to ensure that the equipment is available for all participants.  Therefore, in the event of breakage, the Library staff will make a determination as to whether or not the participant will be responsible for repair or replacement costs.  Factors that they will consider include:

  • Was the participant using the equipment in a safe and proper way? Were they following all safety rules and guidelines?
  • Is the breakage part of normal “wear and tear” (e.g. a CNC mill bit that is worn down) or is the breakage more severe?

If, after considering all factors, the Library staff determines that the participant does need to pay for repair or replacement costs and the participant feels that the decision was unfair, the participant does have the right to bring that decision to the Library Board.

Cost Sharing for Consumables

Many potential Makerspace projects will use up some consumable material (e.g. 3D printer filament, conductive thread, acrylic sheets for the CNC milling machine).  The Library will strive to keep some materials “on hand.”  However, if a participant needs a very specific or hard to find material for a particular project, he or she is encouraged to bring that material with him or her.

Also, the Library will charge the following fees for the following material:

  • 3D printing — $.50 per ½ hour of printing, with a limit of four hours per project.

The Library will also put out a “donation jar,” to which participants are encouraged to contribute.   Monies put in this jar will be used to replenish basic supplies (e.g. glues, adhesives, fabric and thread, sandpaper).

Lastly, should a participant bring in materials that damage a Makerspace piece of equipment beyond what would be considered normal “wear and tear,” that participant may be financially responsible for repair or replacement costs.

Donation Policy

Occasionally, participants may find that they have items, such as older computers, extra tools, leftover bits of consumable materials, etc., that they wish to donate to the Makerspace.  While we welcome and appreciate donations and the generous spirit behind them, we reserve the right to refuse any particular donation that we feel will not meet our needs.