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Hustisford Community Library Wireless Internet Use Policy
Adopted 5/20/2008

Free wireless Internet access is available at the Hustisford Community Library during library hours to anyone who has the necessary devices and software, via an open unsecured network. To use the service you may bring your charged wireless enabled laptop or handheld device to the library and receive the password.

All use of the Internet accessed through library resources is governed by the same policies applying to its public access computer workstations.
Users accessing Internet sites of graphic material that could be defined as inappropriate for viewing in a public setting will be asked to terminate their Internet connection. Intentional misuse or abuse of internet access may result in suspension of computer or internet access privileges and may be banned from the library.

The wireless network is not secure and any use of the Library’s wireless network is at the individual’s own risk.
Information that is sent to or from your notebook/laptop computer or other wireless device may be captured by others who have the appropriate software.

Library staff is not permitted to provide technical assistance or support.
Please refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines to add network cards or to adjust settings. Be aware that there may be dead spots within the Library and there is no guarantee that a wireless connection will be made.

The wireless Internet access is not filtered.
Any restriction or monitoring of a minor’s access to the Library’s wireless network is the sole responsibility of the parent or guardian.

The library cannot guarantee the Internet speed or quality of the connection.

The Library assumes no responsibility for any alterations or interference with a laptop’s configurations, operation, or data files resulting from connection to the Library’s wireless network.

Printing is NOT available via the wireless connection.