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Public Service

It is the policy of the Hustisford Public Library to ensure that all library goods, service, facilities, privileges, advantages and accommodations are accessible to qualified people with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act 0f 1990.

Disability is defined as (1) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one ore more of the major life activities of such individual, (2) a record of such an impairment, or (3) being regarded as having such an impairment.

The Hustisford Public Library will provide persons with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in or benefit from library services as afforded to all other individuals. All efforts will be made to have this done in the most integrated and appropriate setting possible for the individual with the disability. Only when it is impossible to provide library services in an integrated setting will the library’s goods, benefits and services be offered in a different setting.

The Hustisford Public Library will not use standards, criteria or other methods that may screen out, exclude or discriminate against individuals based on disability.

The Hustisford Public Library will not discriminate on the basis of illegal drug use against an individual who is not engaging in current use of drugs and who has successfully completed a drug rehabilitation program or who is in such a program or is regarded as engaging in such use.

The Hustisford Public Library is also committed to not discriminate against any person who is related to or associated with a person with a disability.
The Hustisford Public Library will follow any state or local law that provides individuals with disabilities greater protection than the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The Hustisford Public Library is committed to making reasonable modifications to its policies, practices and procedures to afford equal opportunity to library goods, facilities and services offered. When readily achievable, architectural and communication barriers will be removed. New structures and alterations will comply fully with all accessibility requirements. Auxiliary aids and services, as appropriate to the individual and required by the ADA, will be proved at no cost by the library.

It shall be the responsibility of the Hustisford Public Library to notify the public of its commitment to comply with the ADA as well as the availability of auxiliary aids and services at no cost.

The Hustisford Public Library also recognizes that it is the responsibility of each library user to request any needed and/or preferred accommodation in a timely manner.

This policy applies to all goods, services, privileges, advantages or accommodations
offered by the Hustisford Public Library either directly or through contractual, licensing or other arrangements.

All public complaints regarding the ADA must be filed on the Library ADA Public
Service Complaint Form.

This policy is neither exhaustive nor exclusive. The Hustisford Public Library will take
all other actions necessary to ensure equal opportunity for persons with disabilities in
accordance with the ADA and all other applicable federal, state and local laws.